Tài liệu tham khảo

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). 2007. Practical use of program evaluation among sexually transmitted disease (STD) programs. Atlanta (GA): CDC.

Every Woman Every Child. 2017. Technical guidance for prioritizing adolescent health. 

IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation. 2016. Everyone's right to know: delivering comprehensive sexuality education for all young people. London: IPPF.

Kivela, J.; Ketting, E.; Baltussen, R.; Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands). Medical Centre. 2011. Cost and cost-effectiveness analysis of school-based sexuality education programmes in six countries: full report. Paris: UNESCO.

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health; Women Deliver. 2018. Advocating for change for adolescents! A practical toolkit for young people to advocate for improved adolescent health and well-being. Geneva: WHO.

Stibbe, D.T.; Reid, S.; Gilbert, J.; The Partnering Initiative (TPI); UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs). 2019. Maximising the impact of partnerships for the SDGs: a practical guide to partnership value creation. Oxford: TPI; New York: UNDESA.

UNESCO. 2017. CSE scale-up in practice: case studies from Eastern and Southern Africa. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO. 2012. Comprehensive sexuality education: the challenges and opportunities of scaling-up. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO; UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). 2015. Comprehensive sexuality education in teacher training in Eastern and Southern Africa.

UNESCO; UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). 2012. Sexuality education: a ten-country review of school curricula in East and Southern Africa. UNESCO: Paris; UNFPA: New York.

UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). 2015. The evaluation of comprehensive sexuality education programmes: a focus on the gender and empowerment outcomes. New York: UNFPA.

UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund); Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) [Federal Centre for Health Education]. 2017. Introducing sexuality education: key steps for advocates in Europe and Central Asia. Sexuality education policy brief number 3. Cologne: BZgA.

UNICEF. 2009. UNICEF strategic framework for partnerships and collaborative relationships.

WHO (World Health Organization). Developing sexual health programmes: a framework for action. Geneva: WHO.

Các giáo trình GDGTTDTD có sẵn

Advocates for Youth. Rights, respect, responsibility: A K-12 sexuality education curriculum.

Advocates for Youth; UNESCO; UNFPA. 2015. Regional lesson plans: a set of individual scripted lesson plans for comprehensive sexuality education in East and Southern Africa.

Population Council. 2009. It’s all one curriculum: guidelines and activities for a unified approach to sexuality, gender, HIV, and human rights education.

Save the Children Sweden. 2012. Toolkit on "Children and adolescents' sexual and reproductive health rights".

UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa. 2019. Let's talk early and unintended pregnancy. Harare: UNESCO.

WHO (World Health Organisation) Regional Office for Europe; Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) [Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA). 2010. Standards for sexuality education in Europe: a framework for policy-makers, educational and health authorities and specialists. Cologne: BZgA.

Giới thiệu một chương trình GDGTTDTD mới hoặc đánh giá một chương trình hiện có

ARROW (Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women). 2018. Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in Asia: a regional brief. Kuala Lumpur: ARROW.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). 2013. Community needs assessment: participant handbook. Atlanta (GA): CDC.

ETR; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC);. 2012. General adaptation guidance: a guide to adapting evidence-based sexual health curricula. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR.

IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation). 2009. From evidence to action: advocating for comprehensive sexuality education. London: IPPF.

UNESCO. 2016. Strengthening comprehensive sexuality education for young people in school settings in Zambia: a review and documentation of the scale-up process. Paris: UNESCO.

UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). 2014. UNFPA operational guidance for comprehensive sexuality education. New York: UNFPA.

UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). 2004. Education is empowerment: promoting goals in population, reproductive health and gender: report of a technical consultation on UNFPA role in education. 8-10 December 2003 - New York. New York: UNFPA.

WPF (World Population Foundation); STOP AIDS NOW! 2009. Improving the quality of SRHR education programmes for young people. Utrecht: WPF; Amsterdam: STOP AIDS NOW!