Planning for sustainability and scale-up

Scaling up of CSE can be done in two ways:

  • horizontally, to address more topic areas, to be taught in more grade levels, to be offered in all instead of in select schools, and so on;
  • vertically, building capacity beyond the school system into other systems, structures, policies, and laws.

A scale-up plan should include, at a minimum:

  • methodology, including M&E plans;
  • phased roll-out plan;
  • identification of all stakeholders and possible implementation partners and their roles and responsibilities;
  • coordination mechanisms;
  • clear targets;
  • actions required at national, provincial, and local levels;
  • estimated costs, what funding is currently available and its source, as well as the funding gap and possible resource mobilization strategies.

[Source: UNESCO. 2017. CSE scale-up in practice: Case studies from Eastern and Southern Africa.]

10 principles of successful scaling up of CSE
  1. Choose an intervention/approach that can be scaled up within existing systems.
  2. Clarify the aims of scaling up and the roles of different players, and ensure local/national ownership/lead role.
  3. Understand perceived need and fit within existing governmental systems and policies.
  4. Obtain and disseminate data on the effectiveness of pilot programmes before scaling up.
  5. Document and evaluate the impact of changes made to interventions on programme effectiveness.
  6. Recognize the role of leadership.
  7. Plan for sustainability and ensure the availability of resources for scaling up or plan for fundraising.
  8. Plan for the long term (not donor funding cycles) and anticipate changes and setbacks.
  9. Anticipate the need for changes in the resource team leading the scaling-up process over time.
  10. Adapt the scaling-up strategy with changes in the political environment; take advantage of ‘policy windows’ when they occur.