
Bonjour, M; Van der Vlugt, I. 2018. Comprehensive sexuality education, knowledge file. Utrecht: Rutgers.
This file shares results from several studies on the effects of limited teacher training.

Cheetham, N. 2015. Regional module for teacher training on comprehensive sexuality education for east and southern Africa. Paris: UNESCO.
The module provides nine core sessions designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively and confidently deliver CSE content in schools. Although designed for ESA teachers, much of the content and format can be adapted for use in other regions and countries.

de Haas, B; Hutter, I. 2019. 'Teachers’ conflicting cultural schemas of teaching comprehensive school-based sexuality education in Kampala, Uganda'. In: Culture, Health & Sexuality. 21(2), 233-247. This open access article calls for more research on differences between teachers’ beliefs and traditional CSE values

Future of Sex Education. National teacher preparation standards for sexuality education.
Guidance to programmes within institutions of higher education in order to better prepare undergraduate pre-service students to deliver sexuality education. 

James-Traore, T. A. et al. 2004. Teacher training: essential for school-based reproductive health and HIV/AIDS education. ocus on Sub-Saharan Africa. Arlington: Family Health International.
Teacher training in the context of school-based reproductive health and HIV education, including teacher training projects in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, as well as the selection of teachers and the elements of a teacher training curriculum.

IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation). Inside and out: comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) assessment tool.
Enables Civil Society Organisations to assess the quality and comprehensiveness of their CSE programmes so that they can deliver high-quality rights-based CSE to adolescents and young people, especially in non-formal education settings.

IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation). 2016. Everyone’s right to know: delivering comprehensive sexuality education for all young people. London: IPPF.
The document emphasizes the importance of teacher training for CSE, along with directives for what should be included.

Sex Education Collaborative. 2018. Professional learning standards for sex education.
Guidance to school administrators and classroom educators about the content, skills, and professional disposition needed to implement sex education effectively.

Sex Education Collaborative. 2018. Professional learning standards for sex education assessment tool.
A companion to the above Professional learning standards for sex education to help identify needs for professional development and/or technical assistance among those who teach or will teach sex education. 

UNESCO. 2020. Sexuality education review and assessment tool (SERAT). Paris: UNESCO.
An Excel-based tool that helps to collect data on school-based sexuality education programmes, to generate reflection and discussion about strengths and areas of improvement of programmes. 

UNESCO. 2017. CSE scale-up in practice. Case studies from Eastern and Southern Africa. Paris: UNESCO.
A report detailing lessons learned from scaling up CSE in ESA countries. The report makes the case that the ultimate success of CSE hinges on well-trained teachers who receive ongoing support.

UNESCO. 2017. International technical guidance on sexuality education: an evidence-informed approach: overview. Paris: UNESCO.
The International technical guidance on sexuality education offers a wide range of guidance on training and supporting CSE teachers and educators.

UNESCO. 2015. Comprehensive sexuality education in teacher training in Eastern and Southern Africa. Paris: UNESCO.
The report provides an institutional mapping directory of courses, programmes, diplomas, and degrees offered in 21 countries of the ESA region.

WHO (World Health Organisation) Regional Office for Europe; Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) [Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)]. 2017. Training matters: a framework for core competencies of sexuality educators. Cologne: BZgA.